Sunday, May 12, 2019

What we Learn from older Volcanic Rocks

"Professor Balz Kamber and Professor Emma Tomlinson looked at the magnesium oxide levels in thousands of volcanic rocks, dating at least 2.5 billion years old, that had been collected from around the world.

The analysis of the magnesium oxide levels in rock samples from the Archean era contradicts the conventional belief that the Earth’s mantle was a lot hotter than it is in the current day,” Professor Kamber said.
We know for a fact that the Earth produced a lot more heat back then — about 2.5-3 times,” Professor Kamber said.
The prevailing theory is that the Earth’s whole mantle was significantly hotter years ago.
But our analysis is that the prevailing theory is only half right. While the lower mantle was significantly hotter, the upper mantle which is the area down to 670 km was no hotter than it is in the present day,” Professor Kamber said.
It’s the upper mantle that matters because the volcanic rocks that we observe, they come from the upper mantle.”

 The cool upper mantle theory helps to explain the formation of diamonds, most of which were formed during this time period and would have turned into lumps of graphite if the upper mantle was too hot.
The understanding that the upper mantle 2.5 billion years ago was a lot cooler than previously thought also answers another long-
standing area of dispute that has split geologists concerning the movement of tectonic plates. If the upper mantle had been much hotter 2.5 million years ago, then the oceanic plates would have been thicker and difficult to move under each other.
The new evidence of a cooler upper mantle, which would have been churning hot rocks from the lower mantle upwards towards the surface to release the heat, explains how the plates riding on top of this would have moved fast and collided with each other."
--OR-- The a) Cooling of the upper mantle was due to a Massive amount of COLD WATER gripping the planet and b) the churning from the Lower Mantle was the great deep bursting forth spewing lava every where....just saying...
...the same day
b) were all the fountains of the great deep broken up,
a) and the windows of heaven were opened.
Genesis 7:11