Monday, May 6, 2019

SDA Issues: Back to Paganism?

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him
that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6

"Earth Day is a world-wide, environmental movement celebrated by 1 billion people. Religionists, agnostics, atheists, spiritualists and people from every walk of life are partnering together to save the earth. More than 75,000 organizations, including the Vatican, in 195 countries are working to create a just, sustainable “environmental democracy.”  Created 50 years ago, Earth Day is celebrated every 22 of April as the birth of the modern
environmental movement.
Seventh-day Adventists have gone all-in for saving the planet by organizing their first ever “Earth Day Summit 2019” in Ontario, Canada to coincide with the global Earth Day movement. The event was hosted by the Ontario Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

When Seventh-day Adventists neglect their primary objective for existing – preparing people for Christ’s soon return – they will eventually replace their purpose for something else. When our
people choose not to focus on the historic mission of spreading the Three Angels’ Message, they will begin embracing everything and anything – including eco justice, green spirituality, climate religion, global warming, environmentalism, Mother Earth, Gaia worship, pantheism, the new age, moon goddesses, moon bats, moonbeams or tree hugging – call it what you want but it has made its way into the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The ancient, primitive, jungle goddess called Mother Earth is being reintroduced to our people. Most non-Jewish, 1st Century Christians came out of paganism. They left their pagan, pantheistic gods and embraced the glorious truths of the gospel. But now some are wanting to take us back to paganism and back into the jungle with the new “save Mother Earth” climate agenda.

There’s nothing wrong with being good stewards of God’s creation, but saving the planet is not the new morality. The real issues facing our world is the disintegration of God’s moral, 10 Commandment law. The slaughter of the unborn, the destruction of the one man and one woman marriage arrangement, the reversal of the gender roles by a godless society – these are defacing the image of God and corrupting the principle of His moral law.

*When will Seventh-day Adventists hold a summit for these important moral issues?
*They do it for the global warming hysteria but not for the real moral issues that will bring down God’s judgments upon the earth?

Sadly, most Seventh-day Adventist just don’t care about ending abortion or about ending the sustained attack against the family by LGBT+ activists. No. They’re too busy joining the world to advocate for climate change and green justice.

The never ending struggle for eco justice will certainly trump the preaching of the Three Angels’ Message. Instead of preparing people for the coming of Christ so that they can be ready in that day, we are busy trying to create the perfect environmental utopian society for the coming New World Order.
Our people need to be silent upon questions which have no relation to the third angel’s message” (Selected Message, Book 2, p. 336 E.G.W.)."