Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Scary Green Stuff....

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that
 called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6
This is pretty SCARY stuff the self proclaimed intelligentsia declare a new term form merging what boils down to a mix of mother earth worship, eastern mysticism and intellectual confusion into a ball of secular religion.

"Generation Symbiocene (Gen S) are those in the current generations who will willingly use their biophilia and rejection of ecocideto implement a new world order based on the principles of symbiosis and ecological ‘living together’ or what I call the
‘sumbios’ (Greek for ‘living together’, a root word of symbiosis inscience). 
The rise of young people in groups like Extinction Rebellion and the school strike movement lead by Greta Thunberg are signs that the Symbiocene has commenced. However, all the post-Boomer generations (X, Y, Z) are candidates for membership of Gen S.
There are even some Boomers who might like to devote the rest of their lives to good Earth emotions.
I have even created a secular form of spirituality based on the sharing of life that is entailed by symbiosis within and between species. I have argued for a material and a spiritual base for the Symbiocene."
MarcBekoff / PsychologyToday

"We therefore do not need to further democratize a failing, biased democracy with, say, a Deep Ecology “council of all beings” approach, in which species’ interests are “represented” in
decision-making structures by well-meaning humans. Rather, we need to elect people to govern who understand and affirm life-supporting organic forms, processes, and relationships, and we must give that governing body the authority to carefully deliberate on various creative proposals from humans.
If, for example, an aspect of human development is known to have a long-term, toxic impact on a basic life process such as metabolism, then it simply cannot be permitted.
In contrast to democracy, which is by definition anthropocentric and capable only of partial answers to human-biased questions, sumbiocracy requires those who govern (Sumbiocrats) to have an in-depth understanding of total ecosystems and the symbiotic interrelationships that enable them to function. In order to live together, humans must exercise their intelligence and ingenuity to achieve overall harmony in a community of interests. Within a sumbiocracy, earth rulers must ponder what kind of mutual development is permissible to enable living together.
Sumbiocracy is, after Lincoln, "government of the Earth, by the people of the Earth, for the Earth, so that the Earth shall not perish.”
We now have a very sophisticated understanding of how the natural world works and, as it was here and functioning long before humans evolved as Homo sapiens, it is we who must fit in with its process and functioning."
--Pretty Scary Stuff....These People are Dangerous...They want to Force their Worldview on the entire Planet and Dictate what we do and believe---