Monday, May 20, 2019

Q & A Lessons from Samson SERIES: Entangled in Sin

"Physically he [Samson] was the strongest man upon the earth;
but in self-control, integrity, and firmness,
he was the weakest of men.
In suffering and humiliation, a sport for the Philistines, Samson learned more of his own weakness than he had ever known before; and his afflictions led him to repentance."
 The Signs of the Times, October 13, 1881 / Patriarchs and Prophets, 566 E.G.W.

Q: In what sin was Samson becoming entangled?
A: And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah. Judges 16:4

“He [Samson] did not again venture among the Philistines, but he continued to seek those sensuous pleasures that were luring him to ruin. … The vale of Sorek was celebrated for its vineyards; these also had a temptation for the wavering Nazarite, who had already indulged in the use of wine, thus breaking another tie that bound him to purity and to God."
Patriarchs and Prophets, 565 E.G.W.
From LandmarksMagazine