Saturday, May 11, 2019

Paul on why some will be Lost in the Last Days

"Paul explains the reason people will be lost in the last days: “because they did not receive the love of the truth.”
(2 Thess. 2:10).

Notice three important points that Paul makes here:
(1)they did not receive…” This reminds us that salvation is a gift.
(2) What didn’t they receive? Were they lost because they didn’t receive the truth? No, it doesn’t say that. Some no doubt had the truth.
(3) They’re lost not because they didn’t have the truth but because they didn’t love the truth.  We may have the truth. We may know the truth. We may even teach and believe the truth. But do we love it?
It’s not enough to have the truth; we need to grab hold of it and believe it and love it with all of our hearts!"