Monday, May 6, 2019

Papal Notes - Globalism for the "Common Good"?

.....even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.
Daniel 7:20

"In the effort to stop climate change, human trafficking, and nuclear threats, Pope Francis said that nation states should give way to globalization in some aspects, calling on them to create "intergovernmental institutions that manage their common
"While, according to the principle of subsidiarity, individual nations must be given the power to operate as far as they can, on the other hand, groups of neighboring nations — as is already the case — can strengthen their cooperation by attributing the exercise of certain functions and services to intergovernmental institutions that manage their common interests," he said.
Issues like climate change and human trafficking are just two
examples that Pope Francis cited that call for a "supranational common good." Pope Francis also touched on the issue of nationalism, which he says has sparked a rise in distrust toward migrants and a neglect of the "common good."