Sunday, May 19, 2019

On the Streets of Babylon: Soto-mania sweeping the Streets of Babylon

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seem to be some taking notes of what God says during so-called "Soto" sessions on the Streets of Babylon...

"The Bethel Sozo website describes Sozo ministry as “a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry aimed to get to the root of things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

Sozo is not counseling, it is not a prayer ministry, it is a team of people going in helping you make that connection with the Godhead and thus have a place to go to deal with all the issues and crises that will happen with you,” Liebscher shares in a promotional video.
Churches that have a Sozo ministry have leaders who are trained by Bethel's team.
Training typically lasts two to four days. 
Assemblies of God Pastor Paula Noble, wife of Pastor Jason Noble, the subject behind the new blockbuster hit film “Breakthrough,” is a big fan of the Sozo prayer and has used the method in her ministry throughout the years.
"In a session of inner healing, there's the leader of the session and then there is a second person. What they're doing is they're writing down all of the good stuff that Jesus said to that person during this session, so they have a written account to take with them.

It's not a written account that we keep for any reason. We write it down so they have it to take with them when they leave the room,” she told CP.... "I want them to keep their eyes closed so they can clearly hear what Jesus is saying to them, in the way that He communicates stuff to them, and everyone is different. Some people see pictures, some people have the word come to their mind. It's just so different how everyone communicates with Jesus, but everyone can communicate with Jesus. They keep their eyes closed so that they don't feel like they're talking to me, I want them talking to Jesus.”
Noble would then proceed to explain to the subject or sozoee what will take place during the session.
 “We do a lot of asking questions and hearing what He has to say about those specific things. Based on what they are hearing from Him, gives me an idea of where He's going with them. Sometimes it's quick and easy and sometimes it's longer.”
The Bethel team created six tools to use that have made the sessions go more quickly. According to Bethel's website, the model of “deliverance” they use came from Clark's teaching which began in Argentina.
The following are the six tools:
1: Father Ladder  
The Father Ladder tool was designed to explore how the subject's relationships with the people in their life may be affecting how they relate to the Trinity. 
A sample breakdown of the Father Ladder’s structure equates God to someone's earthly father or an authority figure in their life, Jesus to siblings or friends and the Holy Spirit to one's mother or the nourishers in their life. 

2: Four Doors (hatred, fear, occult, sexual sin)
During a Sozo prayer, the leader tries to identify which of the four sins may have opened up a spiritual “door” to demonic possession or oppression.
3. Presenting Jesus
Presenting Jesus” takes a sozoee on a journey into their past. They are instructed to recall their most painful memories and discover Jesus in the moments in order to bring healing. Dr. Ed Smith’s Theophostic Prayer Ministry teachings is said to have helped form the inner healing principles that inspired this tool.
4: The Wall
From the website Flash Card Machine, we learn that the Wall is “a negative blockage in a person's soul that impedes the flow of God’s love which can activate that person’s gifting and character in Christ.” The Sozo prayer wishes to identify any walls the sozoee might have.
5: Trigger Mechanisms
This tool identifies the feelings associated with our memories and was allegedly inspired by “button pushing,” a tool created by brain science expert Dr. Aiko Hormann.
6: Divine Editing
Divine editing has also been linked to Dr. Aiko Hormann in relation to the Sozo prayer.
If your childhood lacked nurturing, invite your Heavenly Father to fill in the voids created by lack of nurturing. He will ‘edit’ your memories — both ‘edit out’ painful memories and ‘edit in’ His nurturing,Hormann’s website describes.
Danny Silk, a leader at Bethel Church in California, likened a Sozo prayer to some of the teachings he does in the new Christian meditation app Soultime." CP