Sunday, May 19, 2019

On the Streets of Babylon: Hawking Trump-Cyrus Coins

 Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seem to be some Hawking "Trump-Cyrus Coins" on the Streets of Babylon ...
*P.S. - this isn't a criticism of Trump, rather it's a criticism of Bakker....always scamming people's hard earned money...

"From survival slop buckets to endless omen interpretation, the felon-turned-doomsday prophet is capitalizing off of senior citizens and the uneducated who struggle with biblical discernment. Most recently, the accused rapist and ex-convict is selling Donald
Trump” coins which he promises have special spiritual power.
The coins, sold for $45 a piece, are minted with Donald Trump’s face on one side and King Cyrus on the other side. Cyrus the Great was the King of Persia who, although by all appearances being a pagan himself, delivered God’s people from captivity.
The coin is inscribed with the words, “The 70 Year Decree” and “Cyrus-Trump Proclamation.”