Saturday, May 25, 2019

On the Streets of Babylon: Gay Pastors with Pregnant Husbands?

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be some "gay pastors with pregnant husbands" on the Streets of Babylon.....

"It came as a shock when news came out that the pastor of Atlanta’s Little Rock Missionary Church Of God was gay. The online community came out guns blazing, quoting the scriptures as they rebuked the pastor. However, that wasn’t enough to make
members of the church walk out or even consider changing their denomination.
But now the pastor has taken the whole issue a notch higher, announcing to his congregants that his sweetheart is pregnant.
Pastor Willam Terry Longstroke II told church members that his partner, “Mrs.” Donte Terry, with whom they’ve been married for one month, was three months pregnant. The pastor termed their situation a blessing.
The announcement shocked Fred Johnson, a long time member of Rock Missionary Church Of God, that he dropped down unconscious. He had to be taken to hospital for immediate medical attention.
Besides Johnson fainting, many members of the church who couldn’t take the idea of their gay pastor’s partner being pregnant simply decided to walk out.
However, that didn’t make Pastor Longstroke II bulge. He made it very clear that he was neither going to allow his church members nor Satan to stop his blessing from coming true, adding that Mrs. Terry too wasn’t going to entertain any church members propagating hate in the “house of God.”
Unfortunately for the pastor, more than 98% of the church members left the church."