Monday, May 20, 2019

Laodicean Message in the Blind Man

"....John 9:41. It is at the end of the account of that man's healing
from the blindness and restoration of sight to the man that had been born blind. What does that verse say?

"Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin; but now you say, We see. Therefore your sin remaineth."

When Jesus tells you and me we are blind, the thing for us to do is to say, "Lord, we are blind."

He told those folks they were blind and they were blind, but they said it was not so. It was so. If they had confessed their blindness they would have seen God in that man's healing from his blindness. Well, then, brethren, the thing for us to do is to come square up to that Laodicean message and say that every word He says is so."