Wednesday, May 1, 2019

IN the NEWS - You did this to yourselves

THIS is what the LGBT Agenda is ALL ABOUT---Totalitarianism via the power of government to hurt and Bully people into conformity. You have no one to blame but yourselves. You elect the Politicians (and those who appoint the Judges) that implement this kind of creeping LGBT rooted Marxist Nonsense.
... male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27

"A father in Canada is facing the possibility of arrest if he refers to his trans-identified 14-year-old daughter as a “girl” after a court
ordered that the teen be allowed to begin taking testosterone.
The teenager's mother supports the gender transition while the father is opposed.  
After the British Columbia Supreme Court ruled in February to allow the 14-year-old girl, Maxine (not her real name), to begin taking drugs to transition to look more like a boy, the court issued a “protection order” this month in an attempt to stop her father (known as Clark) from continuing to privately or publicly refer to his daughter as a female."