Saturday, May 18, 2019

IN the NEWS - Warrants served in Dallas

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.Genesis 13:13
"The Dallas News has provided further details of the warrants executed on the Dallas diocese on May 15.

According to the newspaper, the warrants were based on allegations against five priests, including Edmundo Paredes.
Newly reported today, however, were the names of four other priests: Richard Thomas Brown, Alejandro Buitrago, William Joseph Hughes Jr. and Jeremy Myers.
All men appeared on the diocese's list of 31 priests credibly accused of sexual transgressions released last January. According to the article, allegations against the priests include:
  • Brown sexually assaulting a woman in Illinois in the 1980s, as well as other victims in Washington;
  • Hughes engaging in a sexual relationship with a minor for six months in 1983;
  • Buitrago molesting a female child between the ages of five and seven in Plano, Texas;
  • Myers molesting a teenager prior and after the student’s expulsion from an Arkansas school, and continuing the behavior after the student moved to Dallas.
However, the newspaper reports the diocese turned over a 541-page file on Brown with 51 pages detailing his alleged assault of a woman in Illinois missing. The diocese provided the missing pages three weeks later, but details of the Illinois incident were still sketchy.
The 319-page file on Hughes neglected to mention his 1983 relationship with the minor. The affidavit upon which the warrant was based also claims another priest destroyed amorous letters between Hughes and his victim."