Saturday, May 4, 2019

IN the NEWS - Human's for Fertilizer Next?

 ....every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5
Do we really want to go here?....well after abortion, gay marriage, drug legalization, euthanasia, testing the waters for pedophilia & cannibalism (documented on this site multiple times) we now are going down this path--humans for fertilizer....

"Washington State will allow human body composting
It doesn’t get much greener than this.

Staking his presidential run on climate change, the Governor of Washington is set to sign a bill legalizing composting of deceased humans.
An especially high percentage of the deceased in Washington are cremated, so this alternative will cut down on carbon emissions.
Instead, family members can pay around $5,500 to turn their loved ones into compost, and use the composted-remains to plant a tree."