Tuesday, May 7, 2019

IN the NEWS - Health Profession Waxes Cold

....the love of many shall wax cold. Matthew 24:12

"On Wednesday, Fairview Southdale Hospital in Edina, Minnesota had planned to activity end the life of Catie Cassidy.

What could have possibly happened in the Fairview healthcare system that euthanasia was seen as a reasonable means of offering ‘care and comfort’ at the end of their patient’s life?
Catie Cassidy is a 64 year old woman dying of lung cancer. She has the right to care and comfort from healthcare providers in Minnesota. Instead, health professionals at the hospital were intent on removing Catie’s oxygen thereby suffocating her to death against her wishes “to live.
It’s unimaginable the fear that Catie Cassidy must have experienced knowing that her last moments of life would be fighting for breath and knowing that it would be at the hands of those that are meant to provide care for her.

The Life Legal Defense Foundation released the following statement on Facebook on Tuesday, April 30:
Hospital to euthanize woman who says “I want to LIVE
Catie is a patient at a hospital in Minnesota. She has lung cancer and needs oxygen to remain comfortable. The

hospital plans to remove Catie’s oxygen tomorrow morning, which will result in her death by suffocation.
Catie is on video saying she does not want the hospital to “pull the plug.” She relayed this to the hospital’s chaplain, who was sent to Catie’s room by the hospital to prepare her to be euthanized. Even though the hospital has been sedating Catie, she understands what the hospital is planning to do and says she is still fighting and is “not ready” to die.
We are appalled that a hospital would even consider withdrawing oxygen from a patient who has clearly communicated that she wants to live. When asked if she wants her oxygen removed, Catie’s response was “NO! I want to live!”
Withdrawing Catie’s oxygen to cause her death is active euthanasia, which is illegal in Minnesota and every other state.
Life Legal is evaluating legal options at this time."