Tuesday, May 7, 2019

IN the NEWS - Green False Prophets Take to Streets of Britain

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6

The Green Religion's False Prophets--and street Preachers-flooded the streets of Britain recently to Preach "Extinction".....Yet we know what happens IF Christian street Preachers take to British streets to warn of an "extinction" one day coming for those who turn not from our sins (especially LGBT)---they go to jail.

"The Labour Party is now pressing the Conservative government to declare a national climate emergency in a show of how far Extinction Rebellion’s asks have infiltrated mainstream politics.
And in the last week, both the Scottish and Welsh governments have declared climate emergencies, following the lead of dozens of councils across the country, hoping to trigger “a wave of action” commensurate with a crisis.
However, there is no single definition of what a climate emergency implies in practice nor is there a consensus on how fast action should be taken.

While Extinction Rebellion demands the UK enact legally binding targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2025, the Committee on Climate Change is expected to recommend the UK government legislate to reach the target by 2050 when it publishes its advice on the issue on Thursday.
The new language of climate urgency prompted by the recent wave of protests has brought about tough questions over how to reconcile the urgency of climate change with political action.
On the streets, the sense of urgency to act on climate change remains strong.
A recent poll carried out by Opinium Research for Greenpeace found that 63% of respondents agreed that “we are facing a climate emergency.”
This language, inspired by activist Greta Thunberg, the school climate strikes and the Extinction Rebellion movement, may indicate a shift in public awareness, suggests Robin Webster, a senior engagement strategist at Climate Outreach, a charity specialising in climate communication.
Fear for the future and the sentiment of crisis have been effective in motivating thousands across the UK to take part in civil disobedience actions. For Webster, Thunberg’s analogy of the planet as a “house on fire”, which if left to burn will turn to ash, has “started to resonate as authentic with some people by pushing the issue into the present”."