Tuesday, May 7, 2019

EDUCATION: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 32



He only who created the mind and ordained its laws can perfectly understand its needs or direct its development.
The child's first teacher is the mother. During the period of greatest susceptibility and most rapid
development his education is to a great degree in her hands. To her first is given opportunity to mold the character for good or for evil.
Upon fathers as well as mothers rests a responsibility for the child's earlier as well as its later training, .... Before taking upon themselves the possibilities of fatherhood and motherhood, men and women should become acquainted with the laws of physical development--with physiology and hygiene, with the bearing of prenatal influences, with the laws of heredity, sanitation, dress, exercise, and the treatment of disease; they should also understand the laws of mental development and moral training.  
The teacher must have aptness for his work. However great his scientific knowledge, however excellent his qualifications in other lines, if he does not gain the respect and confidence of his pupils, his efforts will be in vain.
Dear teacher, as you consider your need of strength and guidance,--need that no human source can supply, --I bid you consider the promises of Him who is the wonderful Counselor. 
I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with Mine eye.
Psalm 32:8