Thursday, May 2, 2019

EDUCATION: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 27



The value of courtesy is too little appreciated. Many who are kind at heart lack kindliness of manner. This lack mars their own happiness and detracts from their service to others.
True courtesy is not learned by the mere practice of rules of etiquette. Propriety of deportment is at all times to be observed; wherever principle is not compromised, consideration of others will lead to compliance with accepted customs; but true courtesy requires no sacrifice of principle to conventionality. It ignores caste.
Real refinement of thought and manner is better learned in the school of the divine Teacher than by any observance of set rules. His love pervading the heart gives to the character those refining touches that fashion it in the semblance of His own.
Reverence should be shown also for the name of God. Never should that name be spoken lightly or thoughtlessly. Even in prayer its frequent or needless repetition should be avoided. Holy and reverend is His name. Psalm 111:9.