Thursday, May 23, 2019

Creation Moment 5/24/2019 - "Motor", "Pumps", "Rotor" = DESIGN(er)

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.

Psalm 139:14 NLT

"Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is one of several high-energy
compounds used by all cells to drive reactions necessary for life. Without it, life as we know it would not be possible. While it is not the only high-energy compound in the cell, it is the one most widely used by cells. To carry out its moment-to-moment activities a cell must have a constant supply of ATP. Most of the cell’s ATP needs are supplied by the ATP synthase molecular motor.

In order for the synthase to synthesize ATP, there must be a steady supply of oxygen.
--Oxygen is delivered to the cells via hemoglobin in the red blood cells.
--The oxygen is then transferred to another protein in the cell known as myoglobin (responsible for the red color of muscle), --myoglobin then carries the oxygen to the mitochondria where it serves as an electron acceptor to form water.
--The electrons come from food molecules eaten by the organism. --They are removed by a variety of metabolic pathways and given to electron-carrier molecules such as NAD+ and FAD to form NADH and FADH2, respectively.

--Electrons from FADH2 and NADH are then transferred to protein complexes also located in the inner mitochondrial membrane.

--As the electrons are passed from one protein complex to another and ultimately to oxygen, they are used to power what are termed proton “pumps” which pump protons (H+) out of the mitochondrial matrix (the inner most part of the mitochondria) to the intermembrane space (the space between the inner and outer membranes of the mitochondria).
--This sets up a proton gradient with a high concentration of protons outside (intermembrane space) and a lower concentration inside (matrix).

--As protons travel back into the matrix down the gradient, the potential energy in the gradient is used to synthesize ATP. The inner membrane is impermeable to the protons, so to reach the matrix, the protons must travel through the Synthase.
--As they travel through the synthase, they cause an internal rotor, called the γ subunit to rotate in increments of 120°.
--As the γ subunit rotates, its contacts with the α3β3 subunits that comprise the knob part of the Synthase protruding into the matrix, cause a series of conformational changes in the 3 β subunits leading to the binding of ADP + Pi, the synthesis of ATP, and the release of ATP.

As stated above, in order for the synthase to synthesize ATP, there must be an ample amount of oxygen. However, if the blood supply to an organ is blocked, ischemia, then oxygen delivery is compromised. Under such hypoxic conditions, the Synthase would tend to rotate in the reverse direction and degrade precious ATP. For cells of the heart, the brain and other highly aerobic organs this can be life-threatening.
To prevent this from happening, a small polypeptide of variable length, depending on the organism, has been designed to become active and bind to the α3β3 and γ subunits in such a way as to prevent the γ subunit from rotating in reverse and consuming ATP. This polypeptide is called IF1 (inhibitory factor 1)."