Saturday, May 11, 2019

Creation Moment 5/12/2019 - Cartooning Hawkins Worldview

I have seen the foolish taking root: Job 5:3
"Hawking’s answer to how the universe began is the Big Bang.
He explains that religion was an early attempt to answer where all matter and life came from until science began developing about 200 years ago.
Now, he informs us, science has shown religion was wrong. In his words, “science provides better and more consistent answers, but people will always cling to religion, because it gives comfort, and they do not  . . . understand science.”
In this,
Hawking ignores the fact that many people both trust and understand science and still accept the theological explanation for life and the Universe.
A page later in his book, Hawking admits he “prefers to think that everything can be explained . . . by the laws of nature,” but never attempts to explain the origin of, and what sustains, these laws.
These laws include the four forces that hold the Universe together: gravity, the strong and weak nuclear forces, and electromagnetism."