Monday, May 27, 2019

Book Review: The Physics of Einstein

(short) Book Review: A book that may be of some interest....
(Review by Creation Science Association Of Alberta)

The Physics of Einstein
by Jason Lyle
282 pages Publisher: Biblical Science Institute

Jason Lisle The Physics of Einstein informs us that “Logic, geometry and mathematics are windows into the mind of God.” (p. 7) So here we find Dr. Lisle, a young earth creationist, informing us that “The physics of Einstein tells us something profound about the
truly awesome mind of God.” (p. 10) Thus Dr. Lisle undertakes to discuss “the wonderful ‘weird’ effects of relativity and prove that these effects must occur.”  (p. 9)
Dr. Lisle then proceeds to discuss relativity theory in detail. He concludes that “It is quite wonderful that God has designed a universe that works perfectly with no genuine contradictions and that is nonetheless counterintuitive to us. It humbles the human mind.” (p. 62)
Many will then ask if this means that the big bang theory is correct. Indeed not, declares Dr. Lisle. It is “a mistake to claim that general relativity proves or implies a big bang. It doesn’t.” (p. 182) He further elaborates that without the assumptions of naturalism “there is nothing in Einstein’s field equations that requires the universe to have started from a point or to be billions of years old. And nothing in general relativity is inconsistent with the biblical history that God supernaturally created the universe a few thousand years ago.” (p. 182)
This raises the question of the size and age of the universe. Dr. Lisle declares that the answer lies in the one-way speed of light. Having established from the relevant equations that we can conclude that “As strange as it may seem, it appears that the one-way speed of light is not a property of the universe, but rather a humanly stipulated convention.” (p. 235)
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 1:3