Saturday, April 6, 2019

SDA Issues - 2 Timothy 3:7 on display in Indianapolis

This article is from the rebels over at spectrum promoting this nonsense and the intro from their website. My responses are in Pink.

* "Welcome to Zeal 19 — a gathering of unconventional Adventist who are activating themselves to be culture-shifters within our denominational structure.
(Did they say "culture shifters" for the Church? Uh we go...)

.........200 attendees at the Adventist Revolution’s Zeal19 Rally held in Indianapolis, Indiana on March 22 and 23, this small group of “God chasers” convened in an intimate setting with folding chairs surrounding a modest platform in the sunlit fellowship space.

*Executive Director Michael Polite kicked things off on Friday with “The Need for Zeal.” He explained that zeal is a synonym for anger, and discussed the anger of Jesus we see in the gospel but are uncomfortable talking about. “We’re not taught about the angry Jesus,” said Polite. “We’re taught about the pacifist Jesus, the safe Jesus, the Adventist Jesus.” The Bible says be angry and sin not, it doesn’t say don’t be angry. In the temple scene where Jesus flipped tables and chased out money collectors, “Jesus gets angry at what the institution is doing to his Father’s movement…and He turns the whole thing upside down.” Jesus is not only trying to push out the institutional clutter, but he’s extending an invitation to ALL, said Polite."
(Here we have the first inklings of political liberalism peeking through which gives a clue to what this really's just a front for political leftists in the Church to form a club for their worldviews)

*"Tacyana Nixon, creative director for Adventist Revolution, spoke next about “The Need for Space.”
Christ has not called us to preach to the marginalized,” said Nixon, “he’s called us to redefine the margins.”"

(Oh no He has not.....He specifically wants us to Preach to the marginalized AND everyone else. Once again, their true colors are beginning to come through in their rhetoric and it's dangerous and disruptive to the Church and it's Mission if these people are listened to. The central mission of the Church is the preaching of the 3 Angels' Messages to the world.
Also, I'm guessing that their idea to "redefine" the so-called margins really means certain groups that their political side in the body politic panders to....In other words their attempt to "redefine" the margins means along the political lines of the their political worldview which, as liberals, would exclude many people not on their social justice list for justice, That's EXACTLY what they mean)

*"Danielle Barnard, program director for Adventist Revolution, brought the morning to its climax with “The Need for Revolution.” She described the idea many have in their heads of Mary, the mother of Jesus, as demure and diminutive, and then directed the audience to the Song of Mary found in Luke 1:46-55. In her Magnificat, Mary describes rulers brought down, the rich sent away empty, the humble lifted up, the hungry filled.
She described three aspects of Revolution: Renewal, Redistribution, and Shalom.
Renewal allows one to see a different life.
There’s no way to read the scriptures without seeing the Redistribution of power, money, and authority play out again and again, and to realize that God doesn’t view it as ok for some to have more than others.
We usually think of Shalom as peace, but the original meaning is deeper than that, said Barnard. It is a setting right of all that has been done wrong, setting right the things that sin has disturbed."
(The PROBLEM here is twofold:
First, we don't need "revolution" along the lines of a Pseudo Christian Marxism--we need reformation and revival- sanctification by the Word & the Spirit as taught in Scripture.
Second, here she openly gives away what they are about. Bringing watered down political Marxism from the radical left in America today into the Church.
Case in point-she claims that God doesn't think it's o.k. for some to have more than others. Apparently she has never read the Bible. Nowhere does God teach that. Nowhere. The class warfare she is alluding to smacks of that new brand of Marxism sweeping Latin America, pushed by the late Hugo Chavez, known by the name of Bolivarianism or Bolivarian Marxism. Very similar to Jesuit Liberation Theology. It, and it's accompanying hate, has NO business in Christendom-btw, apparently she hasn't been watching the news of the end results in Venezuela)

* "After the presentations and discussion periods, attendees gathered for a “Mindfulness Moment,” to reflect quietly on the
presentations and journal about the following questions: How do I feel right now? What did I hear the Holy Spirit say to me today? How does God want me to move? (Notebooks and pens were passed out to each person during registration for this purpose.)
( we go as they delve proudly into reimaged/repackaged  new age mysticism known as "mindfulness".
Also they spend time in basically the self focus journaling that would make Joel Osteen's or Oprah's audience proud)

*"Tiffany Llewellyn, founder of Adventists for Social Justice, talked about “The Need for Social Justice.” We need more social justice workers, said Llewellyn, people who will be there even after the fervor dies down, ....She continued, saying, you have the norm of how things are, and social justice workers choose to be the deviants who disrupt, dismantle, and speak truth to power. We know Jesus was a deviant for social justice, so how come we need to keep having this conversation about the need for social justice? She pinpointed several ways Adventist eschatology contributes to a reluctance to fight for social justice, including the idea that Jesus is coming soon so we don’t need to worry about what’s happening 
---For Crying Out Loud---
right now, and the idea that because God is all-powerful, he would relieve pain and suffering if he wanted to."

(Well there you have it---once again in a twofold problem:
First, it's about so-called social justice. Any Justice that needs a qualifier in front of it isn't about Justice. It's about a political agenda, usually a divisive one at that.
Second, and more importantly, this is usually a tell-tale sign of the root of the problem of people of this persuasion--they have disdain for the Biblical doctrines--in this case they take a mocking swipe at Eschatology--notice, you don't hear anything from them about taking the 3 Angel's Message to a dying world. All you here is about political so-called social justice and writing in their journals about their feelings)

*What do you do when your denominational theology conflicts with your biblical theology?” asked Llewellyn. We talk a lot about safe spaces, she said, but we also need brave spaces, where we can embrace these hard conversations."
People, everyone recognizes the raised fist
in this manner as a symbol for Marxism---
this is fro their FB site for sermons--
also allow me to point out-or Warn you--
they promote sermons by Desmond Ford on there
as well as Dale Ratzlaff--a bigger apostate than Ford

(Who says your denominational & Biblical theology are different? IF they are, then why not find another Church or form your own? Why are you in a Church who's teachings you think contradict Scripture?...But the reality is--is that they are experiencing cognitive dissonance when it comes to Scripture vs. their Politics. And they are choosing their Politics over Scripture.
Now as for the Safe Space nonsense - this is the very rhetoric that has infected leftwing college campuses producing a generation known as "snowflakes" that are incapable of dialogue with those of other guess is that these are the types in the public arena who throw around the word "conversation" a lot but have no interest in a conversation)

* "The additional topics discussed on Sabbath included “The Need for Non-Compliance” by Pastor Baron Savory, “The Need for Resilience” by Janet Ledesma, associate dean in the Andrews University Department of Leadership, “The Need for Ekklesia” by David Sedlacek, professor of family ministry and discipleship in the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews..."
(We have people as part of this at our flagship institution of education?....what?..btw, as for the "non-compliance" nonsense everyone probably knows what they mean---Women Ordination. So yes, this is a group who has the heart in the world rather than the Word.)

* "When asked what he hoped to accomplish at Adventist Revolution’s first rally, and where he sees it going in the future, Michael Polite shared the following:
#AdventistRevolution set out to facilitate a gathering where the biblically-minded, unconventional believer could find inspiration, validation, and affirmation. Our team feels like this, maybe more than anything else, is needed within our denomination.....Our exit surveys have been so encouraging!
Pray for Michael before he goes
the way of Ford and Ratzliaff
The unhealthy aspects of Adventism's institutional culture are beginning to shift,...)
(So what exactly is the "unhealthy" culture in the Church he is referring to? His answer would likely make E.G.W., J.N. Andrews and Uriah Smith cringe if they were alive today....and as for those exit surveys being encouraging-well yeah, they are of your attendees...and finally, when he speaks of the "unconventional" believer, how does he define that?...maybe someone who gets their cues from social media rather than Scripture?)
....always learning
but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3:7