Monday, April 29, 2019

SCAM ALERT - George Bloomer


The "Christian" Mystic Sid Roth recently had on George Bloomer.
His Religious Experience includes while attending a church while under drug addiction when someone put their finger up his nose
and down inside of him forcing out his drug addiction..REALLY George???
Of course he tells of his Florida event where he dealt with poltergeist's of 5,000 men at one whom time he set free of the demons....
But for the Climatic Claim of the Episode---at a tent meeting where THOUSANDS showed up, as well as the media, a woman who ran out of the tent as it was blowing over dropped her baby in a puddle and it drowned. He, yes, claimed he brought the baby back to Life...Uhm...where is the media video of it? Where's the mother? Where are some witnesses from among the "thousands" who were there?

 You would think that would make national headlines or be shown on this episode...but NO...instead they swerve into a clip of him supposedly casting out demons with a little bit of yelling in gibberish tongues.
Q: Don't you think a clip of supposedly bringing a dead baby back to life would of been of more interest?...yeah, but obviously it never happened....come on people quit believing this nonsense.

In their greed they will make up
clever lies to get hold of your money.
But God condemned them long ago,
2 Peter 2:1,3