Tuesday, April 16, 2019

SCAM ALERT - Becky Dvorak raises the Dead to Life?


Becky claimed on the mystic Sid Roth's program that she healed nearly a hundred people of arthritis at one time...O.K.--Let's see the nearly hundred people and hear from them!--how about let's see if any of them got that filmed on their cell phone.

Becky claims she has 7 "healing angels" who follow her around....hmmm..she claims she also prayed over an AIDS patient with TB in Guatemala in "tongues" that led to his healing. (of course, as you guessed, he isn't named or comes on the show to give his testimony).
Then there was also the supposed autistic kid she healed.
Then the friend of a friend who she healed of stage 4 cancer by emailing a friend what to say.
With this global path of the healed by Becky she should be able to produce some EVIDENCE.
But the weirdest thing is her claim that while teaching from Isaiah she received a vision in which God, yes God Himself, showed her why Christ was whipped. It was to let disease and sickness to enter into His body through His open flesh....I kid you not.
*And of course-for her Grand Finale-she raised her 1 month old adopted baby from the dead while she was in Guatemala by praying in tongues at the hospital!...of course wouldn't that had made global headlines?

And of course they had to tout her book and 3 part audio teaching on "speaking miracles" to open the "supernatural prophetic toolbox"--all for only $35!!!....of course the Gift of God (such as healing) would NOT BE FOR SALE...first RED FLAG about her (besides her praying in gibberish tongues)...

In their greed they will make up
 clever lies to get hold of your money.
 But God condemned them long ago,
2 Peter 2:1,3