Saturday, April 6, 2019

Papal Notes - What's in Francis' Book Collection?

"Father Pierre Valkering presented his own autobiographical book to Catholic faithful in a homily, in which he admits to having
homosexual relationships, consuming pornography, and visiting meeting places for homosexuals. In response to this public testimony, his bishop, Jos Punt, suspended him and asked him to start a “time of reflection.” Valkering, in 2016, had given to Pope Francis another of his books containing pro-homosexual homilies.

Bishop Punt had asked Father Valkering in the past as to whether he is living a chaste life. Valkering then had told the bishop, according to a statement of the Diocese of Haarlem-Amsterdam, that he was managing celibacy “in a responsible manner.” “He now unmistakably said in public that he has not kept his celibacy vow, and cannot and will not keep it,” the diocesan statement continued.

Valkering had prominently given to Pope Francis on St. Peter's
Square a book containing funeral homilies about the theme of homosexuality. The priest had afterward told the press that he had been “profoundly touched” by the Pope’s welcoming attitude.

An NL Times article describes his homily of last Sunday, as follows: “Valkering closed his Mass with a speech about the 'big pink elephant' in the Catholic Church. Wearing a pink robe, which he was allowed to wear because the color is part of the fourth Sunday of Lent, the 57-year-old priest criticized the silence that reigns around homosexuality in the Church." Lifesite
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13