Friday, April 26, 2019

IN the NEWS - When Canada Fully Turned on God

When Canada Fully Turned on God---when they Openly Embraced and Emblazed Open Sin on their Coinage for ALL THE WORLD TO SEE....the actual Minting of Sin by a Government...
Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; Luke 17:28

"Canada has unveiled a new one dollar commemorative coin that features two men kissing.

The Royal Canadian Mint said the new coin represented “a key milestone for lesbian, gay, transgender, queer and two-spirited people.”
Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau insisted that progress in terms of ‘LGBTQ2’ rights was not complete.
They recognize, as we should all recognize, that we are not at the end of this path,” he said. “We have much more to do.”
Paul Joseph Watson