Friday, April 19, 2019

E.G.W. on Easter / Sunday

And it was the preparation of the passover,
and about the sixth hour:
and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!
John 19:14

"But these same Protestants observe the first day of every week in commemoration of this same event. In this they contradict themselves with reference to Easter; and in the observance of   Easter they contradict themselves with reference to Sunday.

Of course, being a yearly day, it could not come every year on Sunday; yet lo, by theological sleight-of-hand it is made to coincide every year with that day of the week! Equally marvelous with this is the fact that it does not have to occur each year in the same month.

Sometimes is happens in March, sometimes in April, according as the moon may have fulled before or after the sun “crossed the line.” But whether in one month or the other, it is celebrated as the day of the resurrection of Christ.

Had this celebration been fixed on a certain date, as Christmas is, the religious world would have found itself celebrating, very often, some other day of the week than Sunday in commemoration of the resurrection.

And this is the way it should be, if any attempt is to be made to celebrate the day at all. But this would be a contradiction of Sunday observance which even the most accomplished theologian would not be able to explain. Consequently it was decreed that the date must coincide with Sunday, and the month and day of the month were left to adjust themselves to a day of the week."
The American Sentinel 12 E.G.W.