Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Creation Moment 4/3/2019 - Dusty Little Ring Moons whom also he made the worlds; Hebrews 1:2
"Scientists continue rummaging through more than 635 gigabytes of data collected by the Cassini spacecraft during its 13-year mission at Saturn. Recently, they processed detailed images of the innermost ring moons” of Saturn, some of them which orbit within gaps inside the rings.

Strangely, these moons resemble little models of Saturn itself. For a long time, they have attracted ring particles to their equators, giving them a Saturn-like shape. What does this imply about the ages of the rings and moons? Here’s what the JPL press release says from March 28:
Scientists also found the moon surfaces to be highly porous, further confirming that they were formed in multiple stages as ring material settled onto denser cores that might be remnants of a larger object that broke apart. The porosity also helps explain their shape: Rather than being spherical, they are blobby and ravioli-like, with material stuck around their equators.
“We found these moons are scooping up particles of ice and dust from the rings to form the little skirts around their equators,” Buratti said. “A denser body would be more ball-shaped because gravity would pull the material in.” Of the satellites studied, the surfaces of those closest to Saturn – Daphnis and Pan – are the most altered by ring materials. The surfaces of the moons Atlas, Prometheus and Pandora, farther out from Saturn, have ring material as well – but they’re also coated with the bright icy particles and water vapor from the plume spraying out of Enceladus.
 As for the ring particle collection, it could be a reversible process: material collects but also erodes in a steady state. The material from Enceladus, however, must be one way. There is no way for these tiny moons to “return to sender” any icy material they swept up from the E-ring.

A new paper in Icarus shows that tweaking a model with the parameters of shell thickness can keep the internal heating in a “steady state,” but the model makes the heat escape greater than that of the plumes. Even if scientists were able to keep the interior fluid, it would remain a huge challenge to explain the little Iowa-diameter moon pumping out material for billions of years – enough to coat the little ring moons and create an entire ring (the E-ring) around Saturn.

They seem very reluctant to consider the implications: that the Saturn system, including the rings and moons, must be young."