Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Creation Moment 4/10/2019 - Double Immune System

"Two remarkable qualities of our immune system are its specificity and memory.

When an antigen enters a body, it elicits production of either a specific antibody or specific immunologically competent cells; that is, the antibody or the cells will neutralize only the antigen that evokes them.
Furthermore, the system exhibits what appears to be memory. Once challenged by an antigen such as the measles virus, the body ‘remembers’ it for years and usually for life.
The child who has had an attack of measles becomes permanently immune to it. If the child is exposed to this specific antigen at a later date, the immune system recognizes it and responds, and thereby prevents a reinfection. Indeed, these two characteristics of the immune system—specificity and memory—serve as the basis for preventive immunizations.
Inoculation of infants or children with an inactivated or attenuated biotic agent will cause the immune system to be made alert to such an antigen, should it appear at a later date."
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Psalm 139:14