Saturday, April 27, 2019

Christology and the Antichrist

"In an article written by J. B. Conley, he shows how the teaching that insists that Christ came in the nature of Adam before his fall is connected to the antichrist.
He wrote: “The Scriptures have placed the identity of antichrist beyond either guesswork or confusion. The Bible has clearly named the guilty one. John says that he denies that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. 2 John 7. Let this be the first mark of antichrist by which his identity will be placed beyond dispute."

Far from denying the existence of Christ, the text suggests that antichrist teaches that Christ has come but teaches a doctrine about His coming which denies that He has come in the flesh. If the Catholic Church is guilty as the Protestant Reformers claimed her to be, then her teaching concerning the nature of Jesus in His incarnation into this world as a babe will reveal it.

The Bible teaches that Jesus was born into the world through Mary who was a direct descendent of Adam. By inheritance she partook of Adam’s nature.
Adam’s nature was mortal and subject to death as a result of the transgression of God’s will in Eden. His flesh was by nature that of the children of wrath.
Mary partook of this nature in all of its aspects. She was a representative of the whole human race and in no way different from others descendent from Adam’s line.

She was favored among women only because she was the one chosen of God through whom the mystery of godliness was to be made manifest and through whom Jesus was to be brought from heaven where He had been one with the Father in the Godhead to be born into the human family, there to partake of all the temptations to which Adam’s race is subject.
This was possible only as He would partake of the nature of Adam’s race. Of this Paul says, ‘For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same;. . . Wherefore in all things it behooved Him to be made like unto His brethren.’ Hebrews 2:14–17.

 In 1 Timothy 3:16, records, ‘Great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh.’
---Here he says is the mystery of godliness.
The ability of Jesus to come from heaven,
suffer Himself to be manifest in human flesh
and yet to live sinlessly.

This latter fact antichrist was to deny. He was to deny that Jesus came in a divine manifestation which brought Him in all phases of His nature to partake of the weaknesses of Adam’s race. He would deny that Jesus came in the flesh, the same flesh as that of mortal men.

On this first count, the denial that Jesus is come in the flesh, the
Catholic Church stands convicted of guilt and thus is identified by the marks of antichrist.
Through the teaching of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, that she was preserved from all original sin, they in theory provide a different flesh from that of the rest of Adam’s race to be the avenue through which Jesus was incarnated into the plan of salvation.

In the Papal claim that Jesus was born of one who had been preserved from every taint of original sin and who, unlike the rest of the children of Adam, was never subject to sin, we find the first antichrist indelibly implanted. The papacy certainly teaches that Jesus did not come in the flesh.” Australian Signs of the Times, May 24, 1948, 46, by J. B. Conley."