Saturday, April 13, 2019

Are You Still In Egypt?

"And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. I have read this verse for the one single purpose that you may see that there is such a thing as spiritual Egypt, and that the
word of God reveals that which is "spiritually called Egypt." 

....on the deliverance of Israel from Egypt,....You know that step by step in their experience, their hearts were in Egypt; and when anything occurred that disappointed them, they exclaimed, Let us go back to Egypt!

When they had reached the borders of Canaan, and the Lord wanted them to go in, they exclaimed, "Let us make us a captain and go back to Egypt!"
*Where were their hearts then?-In Egypt.
*The first thing in their thoughts was always Egypt

As they stood at Mount Sinai, after they had heard the voice of the Lord, waiting for Moses to return from the top of the mount with
the law of God, they made themselves an idol and worshiped it; and what idol was it?-The calf of Egypt.

You note that when the Lord was feeding them daily with bread from heaven,-angel's food,-they were so far from him, and so entirely wrapped up in Egypt, that they said, O that we were back in Egypt where we had leeks and onions and garlic! 

Bodily they were out of Egypt, but spiritually they were not.
They were delivered from Egyptian bondage of the body,
but they were bound by Egyptian spiritual bondage;
and the trouble is they never did get out of Egyptian bondage.

They died in Egyptian bondage.
When the Lord spoke his law from Sinai, Moses said to them that it was that they should sin not. Now read again Heb. 11:25, "Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season." But we saw in our other lesson that the pleasures of sin there referred to were but the pleasures of Egypt.
Moses being
-heir to the throne of Egypt,
-all the wealth of Egypt,
-all the glory of Egypt,
-and all the power of Egypt were ready to fall into his hands, as he needed simply to step upon the throne and enjoy it. These were the pleasures of Egypt; but the record says they were the pleasures of sin.

Then what is spiritual bondage of Egypt? and what is spiritual Egypt?-The bondage of sin."