Friday, April 5, 2019

ARCHAEOLOGY: Spherules & the Flood

"There's no question that the site in North Dakota (part of the
fossil-rich Hell Creek Formation) is an incredible paleontology bonanza; crammed with Cretaceous fossils that were all buried at once, it offers an unprecedented snapshot of the minutes and hours following the asteroid impact that extinguished much of life on Earth.
(Likely that meteors impacted the earth to bust open the fountains of the great deep and by extension loosened the earth's crust for the ripping/drifting apart of the continents)

On March 29, prior to the study's publication in a scientific journal, The New Yorker reported that the site contained fossils of
pterosaurs, mammals and "almost every dinosaur group known from Hell Creek." However, the study — published online Monday (April 1) in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences — makes no mention of dinosaurs, apart from an isolated and incomplete hip bone.
Scientists cite a massive asteroid impact in waters near Chicxulub, Mexico, as the prevailing explanation for the sudden disappearance of most of Earth's animal species — including all dinosaurs.
When the asteroid struck, it ended the Cretaceous and ushered in the Paleogene. The newly described site lies between layers of Cretaceous and Paleogene rocks at the Hell Creek Formation, one of the world's richest fossil deposits, which spans parts of Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota. The site contains densely packed fossils of animals that died at the same time "on the last day of the Cretaceous," said DePalma.
"Their presence there, and the presence of all the other details in sediments, is helping us to tease out all the little, tiny details that occurred in the first moments after the impact that were unclear before this discovery," DePalma said.
(So we are talking here the layer between the pre-flood / post-flood world)

DePalma and his colleagues described a deposit about 3 feet thick, holding fossil evidence of freshwater fish, marine vertebrates, ammonites (extinct relatives of today's nautilus), vegetation and animal-made burrows.

More than 50 percent of the freshwater fish at Tanis died with tiny glass balls called spherules embedded in their gills; in fact, the site was riddled with spherules ranging in diameter from 0.01 to 0.06 inches (0.3 to 1.4 millimeters).
Also known as tektites, these glass beads formed from droplets of melted rock that were sprayed into the atmosphere after the asteroid's impact. These objects rained down on North America minutes later, and the Tanis fish probably inhaled and choked on the tektites before a wave of debris buried the creatures, the researchers reported.
(So in other words this glass like material rained down from on "North America" - uhm, that's pretty massive, something that would be massive enough to impact on a global scale--and again, likely due to meteors bombarding the earth to bust the earth's crust mantle open. We also see the wave of meteors or astroids that belted their way across the solar system as one looks at the pot marks of the other planets).

In the marine area around the Chicxulub impact, spherules are commonly found "many layers below the mass extinction and many layers above it," Gerta Keller said.
After the rain of tektites, the water came.
("1-After the rain of tektites, 2-the water came..."- ....the same day were 1- all the fountains of the great deep broken up, 2- and the windows of heaven were opened. Genesis 7:11)

Clues in Tanis' sediments and in the positions of the buried fossils hinted that an enormous wave more than 34 feet high surged into
the river valley from the nearby sea. Sand and mud carried by the wave swiftly buried animals and plants at Tanis, DePalma said.
The surge swiftly traveled inland, flowing from west to east — the opposite direction of the ancient river's flow — so the scientists quickly ruled out typical river flooding as the cause of mass death, DePalma said. Only a tsunami or a seiche, a towering wave that forms in large bodies of water, could create the
deposit that the scientists found.
Dozens of sites around the globe exhibit a geologic layer marking the end of the Cretaceous. That layer, rich in spherules and minerals that drifted to Earth after the asteroid impact, draws a stark division between global diversity as the Cretaceous was winding down and the dramatic disappearance of numerous plant and animal species that followed."