Saturday, March 16, 2019

WHY GREEN on St. Patricks Day?

He is green before the sun,... Job 8:16

"St. Patrick’s Day was a religious holiday celebrated only in Ireland, and green wasn’t even part of the equation.

The original color associated with St. Patrick’s Day was actually blue. Early depictions of St. Patrick show him wearing blue, and the official color of the Order of St. Patrick, part of Ireland’s chivalry, was a sky blue known as “St. Patrick’s Blue.” So how did the feast day of the patron saint of Ireland get this obsession with green?

One of the reasons green replaced blue was because of Ireland’s nickname, The Emerald Isle.
Traditionally, the green represents the Catholics of Ireland, the orange represents the Protestant population, and the white in the middle symbolizes the peace between the two religions.
St. Patrick used green shamrocks to teach people about the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit), another justification for greenifying everything."