Monday, March 18, 2019

When a Catholic King aided Reformation Protestants

"Though ruled by Catholic kings, it provided a refuge for religious dissenters from all over Europe.
This unusual situation was made possible largely by the peculiarities of the Polish constitution. The monarchy was weak; from 1572 it had been elective. The nobles exercised great power, and individual members of the nobility were able to provide protection on their estates for religious reformers and radicals whose ideas appealed to them.
Conditions became even more favorable in the reign of King Sigismund II (1548 72). He was a Catholic who refused to suppress religious dissent, and in words which rang out in that age, he declared that he would not try to force anyone's conscience, because it was not his business to lay down what people should believe. In 1555, the Polish Diet, the national representative body, permitted every nobleman to introduce on his estates any worship that he pleased."
And all the people said, Amen...
1 Chronicles 16:36