Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Law, Savior & the Gospel

"Galatians 2:2; if "righteousness come by the law then Christ is dead in vain," our own righteousness is all then we can get out of the law, and that the righteousness of God can come only by Jesus Christ. What is our own righteousness? Isaiah 64:5. Our righteousness is as filthy rags.

The law is perfect.
If it accepts imperfection the Lord must accept it and admit that he is imperfect, because the law is the representation of his character.

In the fact that the law demands perfection lies the hope of all mankind, because if it could overlook a sin to a single degree, no one could ever be free from sin, as the law would never make that sin known and it could never be forgiven, by which alone man can be saved.

The perfection of the law of God is that it will show us all our sins, and then a perfect Savior stands ready to take them all away.

When God makes known all our sins
it is not to condemn us,
but to save us,
so it is a token of his love for us,
whenever a sin is made known to you,
it is a token of God's love for you
because the Savior stands ready to take it away.
That is why God has given us a Saviour and the gospel."