Thursday, March 14, 2019

SDA News- Mr. Ford Dead: Spiritual Spittle

What was the Spiritual Spittle of Desmond Ford, who had his probation close 3/11/2019?

IF one knows you by your "fruits" what were his fruits?

-He spit upon Genesis 1 by embracing "progressive Creation" later in life. Early on he had led an effort in the 60's to introduce long age chronology.

-He spit upon the Investigative Judgment of God's Word. In other words he assaulted the cornerstone doctrine that separates Adventism from every other denomination--along with the 3 Angel's Messages--the purpose of Adventism.

-He spit upon True Righteousness by Faith by disconnecting the outer court (Justification) and the inner court (Sanctification) to produce what was termed in the 70's the "new theology". In other words a watered down form of "cheap grace" that amounts to borderline "once saved always saved."

He spit upon the people of God's last day movement by PURPOSELY--WILLFULLY-ARROGANTLY laying the groundwork of the denominations civil war to this day. His work gave birth to the rebellion of the likes of Spectrum Magazine, so-called Adventist Today Magazine and the One Project.

Think of the Thousands he shook out of the Church.
Example: Brinsmead, (who already began to stray after the death of Andresen due to Brinsmead allowing himself to be influenced by an Anglican priest), proceeded after a private meeting with Ford flipped on the IJ declaring Ford is right. Then followed it to it's logical conclusion and left to become a Unitarian. And continuing down that path right into atheism.

So WHAT was at the root of Mr. Ford's rebellion?
*At the Glacier View Trial in 1980 Heppenstall's wife asked a question. Here is the exchange from spectrum:
Margit: “The trouble with you, Des, is that you are always right.”
Des: “No, I am not always right — except in matters of theology!”
*Again, from spectrum itself---this--
"Des and his wife Gillian. Gill was upset, urging Des to form his own ministry where he would, she said, get the respect he deserved.."
Again, the ROOT of Desmond Ford's Heresy? ---PRIDE---

So what was the Spiritual Spittle of Mr. Ford?---
---to Spit on Genesis to Revelation
from Creation to the Judgment
To those who continue to praise & lament Ford --
If you could pull back the veil between the seen & unseen in this Great Controversy between God & His opponent--which side does Ford fall on?
You know the answer.....You see his "Fruits"
A man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject;
Titus 3:10
"In the future, deception of every kind is to arise, and we want solid ground for our feet. We want solid pillars for the building. Not one pin is to be removed from that which the Lord has established. The enemy will bring in false theories, such as the doctrine that there is no sanctuary. This is one of the points on which there will be a departing from the faith."
Review and Herald , May 25, 1905 E.G.W.