Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Personal Application of Zedekiah?

Does the Lesson of Zedekiah have a personal Lesson for us?
Our chastisements, our personal rebellions against God, our Warnings from God's Word and the destruction of our own body temple?...will we be led into captivity of sin and reap the whirlwind of it's personal destruction?
God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Galatians 6:7

"Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah—all these Jewish kings were in turn to become vassals of the Babylonian ruler, and all in turn were to rebel.
Severer and yet more severe chastisements were to be inflicted upon the rebellious nation,
--until at last the entire land was to become a desolation,
--Jerusalem was to be laid waste and burned with fire,
--the temple that Solomon had built was to be destroyed,
and the kingdom of Judah was to fall, never again to occupy its former position among the nations of earth.”—Ellen G. White, Prophets and Kings, pp. 422, 423.
As we have seen, and will see, none of this came upon them without plenty of warnings and pleadings by the prophets, especially Jeremiah. Their refusal to obey brought only ruin. May we learn from their mistakes!"