Saturday, March 2, 2019

Papal Notes - Summit Disgrace

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.Genesis 13:13

"Pope Francis's closing address to the Vatican Summit on Child Protection was a disgraceful display of excuses and evasions.

He began with an extended meditation on how a "great number of" abuse cases are "committed within families." He urged the assembled bishops to focus on "other forms of abuse" experienced by "child soldiers," "starving children," "child victims of war" and "refugee children." He laid out an agenda that, bizarrely, focused on matters have nothing to do with clerical abuse (such as combating "sexual tourism").
While Francis did declare that "no abuse should ever be covered up (as was often the case in the past)," he still refuses to tell us which bishops and cardinals did the covering up.

Indeed, Francis's decision to focus the summit exclusively on "the protection of minors" was a cynical ploy to avoid addressing questions of accountability, or the rampant sexual abuse of vulnerable adults by their religious superiors. The accusations against McCarrick were not limited to his horrific abuse of children. He allegedly forced countless young priests and seminarians, whose careers he could make or break, to have sex with him."