Friday, March 15, 2019

IN the NEWS - Youth: Father God or mother earth?

Below illustrates the pull of the call of God to the youth vs. the call of mother earth by manipulators of social media to rile up the youngsters.
This is the second time (first was over the gun rights issue a couple of years ago) for someone to use social media to organize and manipulate youth for a front to mobilize for a propaganda push.
---SO, WILL THE YOUTH HEED THE CALL OF THE FATHER GOD --or-- THE CALL OF THE MOTHER EARTH WORSHIP?...anyone walking out of class to call attention to the Creator God rather than the creation?....
..ONE OTHER POINT, there seems to be a Group called "Fridays For Future" involved in manipulating children on the topic....but God says Friday (6th day) is His preparation day for His holy 7th day Sabbath....just saying..

The FATHER God calls the youth to Him....
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: Matthew 19:14

But the MOTHER earth calls them away......
"For the past several months, growing numbers of students around the world have been cutting class — not to play but to protest.

The topic driving them is the same: Earth’s changing climate, ...As the students see it, governments have not done enough to cut the emissions of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, to limit global warming or to plan ways to adapt to the impacts of climate change.
On March 15, this student-led protest will crescendo with a coordinated strike set to take place across the globe. More than 1,300 events are planned in 98 countries from Argentina to Vanuatu, according to a list kept by the group Fridays For Future." SciNews