Friday, March 1, 2019

IN the NEWS - Training up children in Ontario

Yep...Indoctrination of your children by the most radical people using the school system as their platform for mandated conformity.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

"Every elementary school in Ontario, Canada, will be forced to fly the gay pride flag for at least one week in June, which is Pride Month in the province. Greater Essex County District School Board nearly unanimously voted on the motion last week; the only dissenting voice on the board was swiftly shut down.
 Others at the meeting said flying the flag
at elementary schools was not enough.
"We also need to have a lot of (LGBT) education," said trustee Cathy Cooke.
A woman named Melissa Piva, whose child began identifying as
"gender creative" at age five, was seemingly onboard with Cooke, too.
Piva’s son allegedly told her while they were shopping that he was a girl and needed to buy dresses so that others knew, too. "When she was in Grade 1, Piva said in a moving presentation, school staff liked to debate which bathroom her daughter should use. The next year, her teacher kept referring to her as 'he' and 'him.' Other kids said, 'She’s just a boy who likes to pretend she’s a girl,'" Windsor Star reported."