Thursday, March 21, 2019

IN the NEWS - High Priest Propaganda Session

The High Priest of the Green Religion (Al Gore) holds Training Sessions to Propagandize the Christian community with nonsense. And yes, now he injects Cultural Marxism into the so-called climate debate by claiming the climate can be used as "racist".
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6

"Last week, 2,000 people gathered in Atlanta, Georgia to receive training from Gore through the Interfaith Climate Reality Project. This was the organization’s first Interfaith climate reality training. 
Since 2006, Gore has been on a mission to train as many people as he can on what he calls “the number one danger that we are facing
today,” climate crisis. Many in the evangelical community struggle with this assertion, putting Gore at odds with some mainline evangelicals.
Gore noted that he welcomes other point of views from the evangelical community and would welcome mainline evangelicals to come to the table. 
Since the Interfaith Climate Reality Project’s inception, Gore has trained more than 19,000 people. 
During the three-day interfaith conference, leaders from around the world came to hear Gore speak about what must be done to fix our environment in order to skirt severe consequences. Gore called the crisis of climate control the number one problem that we face as a society.
Gore's opening message was filled with slide shows of what he called the “damage that’s already been done to the environment.” The session featured a mix of pictures and data as Gore spoke for two hours on why change was needed. The last part of his opening session focused on what Gore calls climate racism." BCN