Sunday, March 3, 2019

Creation Moment 3/3/019 - Retention Problem of Globular Clusters

He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.
Psalm 147:4

"Globular clusters are compact, ball-shaped groups of stars that orbit the center of a galaxy. They supposedly contain ‘very old’ stars.

The secular big bang story has great difficulty explaining them. Astronomers have seen many fast-moving neutron stars in globular clusters. These are thought to arise from supernovas (exploding stars) within the cluster, where a neutron star is created that is ‘kicked’ out at very high speed.

With the compact sizes of globular clusters and the high speed of the neutron stars, all neutron stars should be ejected from such clusters in less than two million years. Many globular clusters should have emptied in a few thousand years. A major study of this so-called ‘retention problem’ called it a “long-standing mystery”.
These observations, too, are consistent with a young age of the universe."