Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Creation Moment 3/27/2019 - The Frothing Sea of Creation

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible,... Colossians 1:16

"How a proton gets its spin is surprisingly complicated.

Like a quantum version of a whirling top, protons have angular momentum, known as spin. But the source of the subatomic
particles’ spin has confounded physicists. Now scientists have confirmed that some of that spin comes from a frothing sea of particles known as quarks and their antimatter partners, antiquarks, found inside the proton.

Quarks come in an assortment of types, the most common of which are called up quarks and down quarks. Protons are made up of three main quarks: two up quarks and one down quark. But protons also have a “sea,” or an entourage of transient quarks and antiquarks of different types, including up, down and other varieties.

Previous measurements suggested that the spins of the quarks within this sea contribute to a proton’s overall spin.
A proton’s sea contains more down antiquarks than up antiquarks. But, counterintuitively, more of the proton’s spin comes from up than down antiquarks, the researchers found. In fact, the down antiquarks actually spin in the opposite direction, slightly subtracting from the proton’s total spin
Spin has surprises. Everybody thought it’s simple … and it turns out it’s much more complicated,” Aschenauer says."