Friday, March 22, 2019

Creation Moment 3/23/2019 - About that YouTube video

"....about the trending YouTube video, “The Origin of Consciousness—How unaware things became aware”.
The origin of human consciousness remains a profound mystery to
secular thinkers, hence this admission at the start of the video: No one has come close to figuring it out.” That is a crucially important point and it is to the credit of the video producers that they confess this fact at the outset. However, it means that everything that follows in the remaining nine minutes of the video is sheer speculation.
They quickly reveal why it is that they are clueless: Like much of what makes us human, our consciousness is likely to have evolved from less complex forms as a product of evolution by natural selection.” In other words, they disregard the account of mankind’s beginnings that is clearly taught in such passages as Genesis 1:26–29 and 2:15–25.

 Human beings were
--supernaturally and perfectly formed by God,
--complete with minds,
--consciousness and

Adam and Eve were able to
--understand and
--reason, and
--were free moral agents.
Their minds were not subject to the vagaries of our present fallen, sin-cursed world—there was no mental instability, confusion, or weakness because mutations and disease were as yet alien to that pristine world (Genesis 1:31).
Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them. Full of splendor and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures forever. Psalm 111:2–3."