Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Creation Moment 3/21/2019 - Silliest Evolution Headline

"Chickens Peck Intruder Fox to Death, Because They’re Dinosaurs (Live Science). This may be the worst headline ever on the “birds are dinosaurs” meme. Fox enters henhouse. Darwin takes over:
But chickens, like all birds, are the descendants of dinosaurs. And this particular coop held 3,000 hens. As soon as the sun set and the light-controlled, automatic hatch door closed behind the fox, the birds channeled their inner Tyrannosaurus rex and attacked the fox.
Last we checked, T. rex didn’t have a beak, or hunt in packs, or fly with those puny arms. Kentucky Fried T. rex, anyone?" CEH
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh:
 the Lord shall have them in derision.
Psalm 2:4