Tuesday, March 12, 2019

101 Reasons for a Young Earth SERIES: 10

Q: Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?
declare, if thou hast understanding.
A: For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen,
 being understood by the things that are made, .....so that they are without excuse:
Job 38:4/Romans 1:20
"Discontinuous fossil sequences. E.g. Coelacanth, Wollemi pine and various ‘index’ fossils, which are present in supposedly ancient strata, missing in strata representing many millions of years since, but still living today. Such discontinuities speak against the interpretation of the rock formations as vast geological ages—how could Coelacanths have avoided being fossilized for 65 million years, for example? See The ‘Lazarus effect’: rodent ‘resurrection’!"