Saturday, February 23, 2019

Papal Notes - How ARROGANT

What "shared responsibility"? ARROGANT....what a Literal man of sin... 2 Timothy 2:3

"For a very long time, victims of sexual abuse by members of the clergy had been shunned by the church and even close family
members whom they may have confided in. And many victims and their advocates have placed the blame solely on the Catholic Church.
But Pope Francis remarked Wednesday during his audience with pilgrims from the Italian diocese of Benevento, that there is some shared responsibility.
And gave a guarded warning that those who constantly blame the Church are in league with the great accuser himself, the devil.

"Those who spend their lives accusing, accusing, and accusing are – I won't say children, because the devil doesn't have any – but they are the friends, cousins and relatives of the devil," he said."