Friday, February 22, 2019

Papal Notes - Did Francis Let the Cat Out Of The Bag?

.......and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3

"In general, the pope's remarks were quite similar to what we have heard before, but I thought that two buzzwords that he used were quite noteworthy:

The Holy Father emphasized that we cannot really speak of sustainable development without solidarity. He concluded his message with by thanking those taking part, and with the prayer that the Lord might bless their commitment for a more just and prosperous world for everyone.
The phrase "sustainable development" has become a shorthand way of referring to the U.N.'s Sustainable Development Goals. It is a 17-point plan, and if you read the entire thing, you quickly realize that it encompasses just about every realm of human activity that you can possibly imagine.
It is not just a plan to fight climate change. It is actually a comprehensive blueprint for global governance, and it envisions a much larger role for global institutions such as the U.N. in the years ahead.

But in the context of speaking about "sustainable development," the pope once again used the term "solidarity." This is a word that he has been using a lot lately, and when he uses it, he is referring to the need for global unity. More specifically, he almost always uses this buzzword when speaking of the need for global religious unity."