Thursday, February 14, 2019

On the Streets of Babylon: BURNT EGGS & DEMONS on the Streets...

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seem to be some "BURNT EGGS & DEMONS" on the Streets of Babylon...

"The story is told by Blake Healy:
As the eggs cooked, I ran around the house, grabbing things I would need for the rest of the day. November started to cry, so I picked her up and carried her around with me as I packed my computer bag, notebook and coffee tumbler.

I began running the day’s events through my head. I had to drop Haydon off at school at 9, and then I needed to head straight to the office for a meeting. Finnley had a doctor’s appointment, and I was sure I had made plans to meet someone after lunch.
Then I started to smell burning eggs.
My frustration began to mount as the rest of my to-do list resounded like a chorus in my head. Then I began getting frustrated that I was getting frustrated—burned eggs and a delayed breakfast are hardly the worst of the world’s problems. What right did I have to be moody?
It was then I saw a demon come around the corner.
There wasn’t much to it. The demon was a little under three feet tall with grayish skin and a potbelly. It shuffled forward, its pace and posture that of a toddler who has smelled something tasty." Charisma