Saturday, February 2, 2019

Memory & Color of the Soil it Passes Through

"Memory is the faculty of the mind by which it retains ideas.
This faculty should be set apart to retain useful and holy thoughts. Those whose memories are sanctified can, out of the treasure of the heart, bring forth good things.
Their mind is like a storehouse furnished with rich and wholesome provisions. It contains truths upon which they can feast, and of which they can invite others to partake.
Said David, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” Psalm 119:11.
David could not do this without the aid of his memory. Those who imitate David in this respect will not be so liable to sin against the Lord.
They will remember what he has commanded, and what he has forbidden.
A sanctified memory is like the stream which brings with it the color of the soil through which it passes."
Sanctification p.24 E.G.W.