Friday, February 1, 2019

Lesson from trembling devils

"It is important that we understand clearly the nature of faith.

There are many who
--believe that Christ is the Savior of the world,
--that the gospel is true and reveals the plan of salvation,
--yet they do not possess saving faith.

They are intellectually convinced of the truth, but this is not enough; in order to be justified, the sinner must have that faith that appropriates the merits of Christ to his own soul.

*We read that the devils "believe, and tremble," but their belief does not bring them justification,
*neither will the belief of those who give a merely intellectual assent to the truths of the Bible bring them the benefits of salvation.

This belief fails of reaching the vital point, for the truth does not engage the heart or transform the character."
Selected Messages vol.3,E.G.W./James 2:19